Running a theater is no easy job. Having the right personnel is critical, as is having a full theatrical equipment supply. Since 2003, Philadelphia Theatrical Supply has been helping theaters operate more efficiently, and our products are a big reason for that.
No theatrical equipment supply should be without quality audio products. Among the equipment we provide are microphones, mixers and PA systems as well as speakers, stands and wireless microphone systems.
Cables and connectors are two other elements of an essential theatrical equipment supply. Shop with us for video and lighting cables, adapters and couplers. We also handle a full line of extension and multi-outlet cords, tri-taps and XLR cables.
When it comes to lighting, your theatrical equipment supply should include the specific lights and accessories for your unique theater design. We always stock a wide array of key products such as UV and strobe lights, a variety of lamps, gobo rotators, strollers, clamps, color frames, numerous lighting fixtures and a big selection of lighting stands and bases.
Every theatrical equipment supply must-have makeup, and we offer high-quality lines from Ben Nye and Michael Davy Our Ben Nye selection includes adhesives, removers, sealers, cleaners, cream colors, powders, special effects and more. The Michael Davy line includes the Collodacolor 3-color kit, a non-acetone remover for Collodacolor, isopropyl alcohol and Water-melon appliance and cap material.
Flooring products are very important components in a theatrical equipment supply. We can provide a selection of adhesives, tapes and cleaning compounds for performance floors. We also handle the GAMFloor, which lasts for months when you apply it to any vertical or horizontal surface.
Another product that’s essential to a good theatrical equipment supply is flame retardant. We handle a complete range of these products by Rosco that are designed to treat a full spectrum of materials from non-absorbent synthetics to wood and traditional natural fibers.
Every theatrical equipment supply has to have props, and we handle many of the most used and most popular. Flicker candles, mirrors, the Gam Torch, icicles, paper snow and breakaway stage bottles are all available. We suggest keeping a good stock of these on hand – because you never know how badly you need something until you don’t have it.
A variety of hardware and rigging products are also part of a complete theatrical equipment supply. We’ll fill that supply with clamps, hinges, pin wires, rigging supplies, hanging and attaching hardware, lashing and bracing hardware and wagon brakes. Your performances will run smooth when these “invisible” products are part of your theatrical equipment supply.
Along with our huge selection of products to build your theatrical equipment supply, we also perform system installations and provide technical services. Our expert advice and knowledge of systems and how they work shows in every job we do.
Amassing a full theatrical equipment supply isn’t difficult when you have a supplier who knows the business inside and out and is constantly revising its inventory to better serve it’s customers. At Philadelphia Theatrical Supply, our only goal is to provide you with the highest quality products and fast, reliable service.